Esther Wojcicki - Internationally Known Educator, Founder, Author

Esther Wojcicki, CEO, Global Moonshots in Education

Esther Wojcicki is an internationally known educator and founder of the largest scholastic media program in the US at Palo Alto High. She is also the 2002 California Teacher of the Year; a 2009 MacArthur Foundation Research Fellow; former Chair of Creative Commons; Chair of PBS Learning Matters, and on the Board of the Freedom Forum; the Newseum and the Alliance for Excellent Education. She holds three honorary doctorates and is the author of Moonshots in Education (2014) and the best-selling, “How to Raise Successful People” (May, 2019). Her primary focus is to help parents, teachers, and managers be more effective at home, in the classroom, and in the corporate world..


Q. Best advice for women who want to go out in life and crush it!

A. Number one: Believe in yourself and go for your goal. Grit and resilience are a state of mind which keep you focused on your goal. Don't let distractions like harassment stop you.

Q. What do you do to celebrate women?

A. Write about women, have podcasts about great women, invite them to present, invite them to be part of boards

Q. What do you want to see more of?

A. More social media about great women, more great things that women do.

Q. Recommended reading:

A. Becoming by Michelle Obama, Educated by Tara Westover

Q. The theme for this year's women's history month is Valiant Women of the Vote. What women's rights are you most passionate about?

Make opportunities for women to be more ubiquitous.

Q. Shout out to another woman who has made a difference in your life and how she/they did that.

A. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has made a difference in the lives of many women.

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Monica Phillips