As Featured in - How to Create the Perfect Space at Home to Succeed at Meditation: Advice from the Experts

I was asked to contribute to this article featured by Cassandra Rosas at .

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Learn more about at home meditation with the experts including Hannah Knapp from WITHIN Meditation, Kelly Ryan from Anchor Meditation, Jessi Moore from Yogapaws, Sarah McLean from McLean Meditation Institute, Shankar from Sahaja Online, and Paige Oldham from Simple Mindfulness.


Which characteristics should a meditation space at home have to help with relaxation and concentration?

Creating the habit for an at home meditation practice may be easier than you think.

Meditation is a practice to let go of the chatter in our minds and gain focus and clarity. When we worry too much about creating the perfect space, we miss the point of creating the routine of meditation.

From a tiny home to your own private yoga oasis, any space inside or outside can become a meditation space. It is the habit you create to establish your meditation practice that matters.

There is no wrong way to meditate. Day-to-day our meditation experience can change. Some days may feel like we are in it and other days may feel like it just isn’t working. Don’t be attached to the outcome. Continue with the practice.

When I meditate, there are a few things that are important to create a space that feels good:

  1. Keep it clean. I vacuum all the time to clear away cat hair and dust.

  2. Clear away clutter. I keep an empty drawer that I can use to hold papers and objects I haven’t sorted yet as a quick way to clear away distractions.

  3. Bring in decorations. I use artwork to brighten my space. You may want candles, plants, and other calming objects. A large wall hanging is a great way to divide a room and change the scenery.

  4. Let it be comfortable. I use bolsters, blankets, pillows, and a yoga mat. Sometimes I take a walking meditation or meditate on the couch, my office chair, or in bed.

  5. Is it available? If you have to hide out in your bathroom to get time to yourself, you may need to establish another routine. If you are a new mom, could you take a walking meditation with the stroller during nap time? If you have roommates, could you make arrangements for a time when you will have five minutes of quiet? Maybe an outdoor bench or a garden would be a nice alternative.

What do you want that will help you create a meditation experience you would enjoy? If it doesn’t feel good or takes too much effort, it is harder to make it a habit.

When you are done, notice – What do you love about your home? What space would you like to create? Is there one thing you would like to change? Have you been holding onto items that don’t serve you?

Our best ideas come when we are present, clear-headed, and with a positive mindset. With the benefits of meditation, you can get inspired to create the home you want to live in.

By Monica Phillips from Spark Plug Labs

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Monica Phillips