Leslie Schrock on Bumpin

This is the best pregnancy book available written by entrepreneur and advisor, Leslie Schrock. Bumpin’ is fresh and new and shares what is possible in a pregnancy where you are the CEO and your allies include partners, doulas, doctors, and more. The book includes an understanding and outlines for everyone involved in the pregnancy and wonderful insights as it happens. My guest, Leslie Schrock, joins me to talk about the process she went through writing Bumpin’ while she was pregnant and some of the best parts of her book. The opportunities to co-create your pregnancy with those around you are now better than ever. This is a must read for anyone who is pregnant or who is planning to have a baby.

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About Leslie Schrock

Leslie Schrock in the author of Bumpin’, her first book that grew out of her own feelings of helplessness navigating a few complicated pregnancies and losses. Leslie says, “Written in real-time while I was pregnant, it is the guidebook that I wish I’d had from conception all the way through postpartum. I don’t consider myself a pregnancy guru–I’m just a curious person who thought families deserve better resources.”

Leslie is an entrepreneur who works with start-ups as a founding member of Rock Health, co-founded a food startup introducing sustainable protein sources made from crickets, and is a member of an advisory board. She is the author of Bumpin’, a modern woman’s guide to pregnancy. Leslie has had some tumultuous pregnancies and when she was finally pregnant with her first son, she knew she had to document these experiences for other women to talk about the new normals.

Leslie has been named one of Fast Company’s Most Creative People in Business, and has been featured in publications like CNBC, NPR, Time, GQ, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Wired, and The New York Times. She has spoken around the world on design, health, technology, and food.

Her book is an outstanding resource for everyone who is part of the birth team and provides action items for your partner to be integrated into the pregnancy, outlines the value of having a doula, and how to ask for help.

Leslie also explains ways to talk to your employer about what your needs are when you’re pregnant, how to set expectations when you return to work, and what you need to consider for child care.

In This Episode:

  • What the process of writing a book is

  • Why you need to be your own medical and birth advocate

  • How you can integrate your partner into your pregnancy and how your life is going to change

  • How you can communicate with your employer what you need when you’re pregnant and when you return after maternity leave

  • How becoming a parent can make you better at your job

  • What the benefit of a doula is in pregnancy and childbirth

  • Why we should become more comfortable asking for help 


“I think until we as women and families really demand the system change, it’s not going to. We have to go into appointments asking questions.” (23:16)

“Your partner is not a mind reader, you’ve got to sometimes just tell them what you need.” (32:06)

“If you want to talk about the parts of the book I didn’t enjoy writing as much, it’s definitely the financial planning and insurance stuff because it’s kind of the last thing you want to think about. But in some ways, it’s the most important because it is what dictates whether or not having a family is a net positive or net negative for you emotionally as a parent..” (40:05)

Monica Phillips