Posts tagged yoga
Episode 14 - Our Path to Enlightenment through Focus and Meditation. Samadhi and What That Means in a Modern World featuring Melissa Townsend

In this episode we look at these universal questions through the lens of yoga philosophy and the path to Samadhi, a state of meditative consciousness and how this process of concentration and focus can be part of what we do in this very busy modern world.

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Episode 07 - Discovering Yoga for Holistic Healing with Sameer Bhide

Sameer Bhide, author, One Fine Day: Overcoming Adversity and Embracing the New Normal with Grace

Before January 31, 2017, Sameer Bhide’s life was pretty good. He moved to the US from India in 1990. He had already completed an accounting degree, and then completed a management degree followed by his MBA in 1993. He had a career he enjoyed in consulting and technology, was married with kids, and settled outside of Washington DC.

But that notable day in January, just as he was beginning the workday from his home office, he suffered a catastrophic stroke in his cerebellum. He required two brain surgeries and spend the next month in a medically induced coma before transitioning to the path of recovery. Learn about his journey and the impact of yoga.

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Episode 06 - How Do the Yamas and Ahimsa (Non-Violence) Guide Us in Everyday Living? featuring Dianne Bondy

Dianne Bondy is a social justice activist, author, accessible yoga teacher, and the leader of the Yoga For All movement.

Her inclusive approach to yoga empowers anyone to practice—regardless of their shape, size, ethnicity, or level of ability. Dianne is revolutionizing yoga by educating yoga instructors around the world on how to make their classes welcoming for all kinds of practitioners.

In this episode we discuss the Yamas – yoga’s ethical guidelines, with a focus on Ahimsa (non-violence), our inner-critic and self-judgment, social justice, body image, antiracism, and yoga’s call to stand up for civic action and specifically to call out the wrong things when you see it.

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Episode 05 - Yoga for Increased Consciousness and Innovation with Navi Radjou

In this episode, Navi Radjou explores the idea of increased consciousness through yoga.

The famous Yogi philosopher Vivekenanda said that “yoga is a science of accelerating consciousness.” If we allow nature to evolve our consciousness, it will take centuries. So yoga is like being on a fast track. And that's why I think we all have to be yoga so that we can evolve.

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Episode 02 - What Can We Learn from Yoga to Help Us Live?

What can we learn from yoga to help us live every day?

Jeanne Heileman specializes in discovering the needs of an individual and gently guides each student to their own grace and balance. She has been a Teacher Trainer with YogaWorks since 2005. She is a Level II Certified ParaYoga Instructor and a 500-ERYT. She is the founder of Tantra Yoga Flow.

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