Gain flexibility in your body and your mind so you can thrive at work and at home.
Read MoreWhat would be possible if you invited in curiosity today? How could this be part of the way you show kindness to yourself and others? Join me in this story of exploration as we discover how curiosity leads to increased kindness, compassion, and innovation. #bekind21 #curiosity #notjudgment
Read More5 Ways to Get Out of Your Own Way - Stop your saboteur and allow more ease and flow in your life.
Read MoreI like to think about this idea of impermanence and change; attachment and letting go. The super power of acceptance or contentment (santosha) and finding peace with what we have right now comes from the super power of being present. If we are so attached to what we have, how does our perspective change when we understand the changing nature of our bodies?
Read MoreCreating the habit for an at home meditation practice may be easier than you think.
Meditation is a practice to let go of the chatter in our minds and gain focus and clarity. When we worry too much about creating the perfect space, we miss the point of creating the routine of meditation.
Read MoreHave you ever arrived at your destination and didn’t remember how you got there? You were on autopilot and tuned out to the world around you. Has this ever happened to you at work or at home? We miss out on life by letting the best parts pass us by.
Read MoreOne day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a mark or a flaw in it. Yes, they all agreed it truly was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The young man was very proud and boasted more loudly about his beautiful heart.
Read MoreSending holiday wishes, joy, and appreciation to all of you! This post includes a sweet holiday video for you, insights on the benefits of yoga, mental fitness group coaching, great resources on healing, books, and the Christmas star where Jupiter and Saturn come together on December 21. Don’t miss it!
Read MoreWhen was the last time you were kind to yourself? What can you do to be okay with where you are and what you have right now? Being kind to yourself will allow you to do the same for others.
Read MoreWhat habit could you add to your life that would enrich you and create action to help you accomplish your goals? Here is my 7 steps outline to put those habits in motion.
Read MoreOverwhelmed or overworked? Need a break? Here are eight ways to Recharge and Realign.
Read MoreDone correctly, sales is not a four-letter word. It is about your influence and the value you offer someone else. 30 Knocks is a program I offer and a theme that influences my coaching.
Read MoreA list of my favorite ways to buy gifts and give back at the same time.
Read MoreFinding joy at a sivananda ashram in the Bahamas and learning how to let go.
Read MoreWhat happens when mindfulness and belonging are part of the conversations in tech developments. The more we create relationships with “others” the easier it is to cultivate “belonging” and show respect for others, even with those who don’t agree with us. Can I challenge each of you to reach out to someone outside of your circles and invite them in?
Read More1. Always leave a place cleaner than you found it. Girl Scouts played a tremendous role in showing me the value of integrity and respect for ourselves and others. When you clean up your space and pick up litter, it shows respect for your surroundings and others to come. What is one thing you could do today to leave a place cleaner than you found it? Imagine how it would make others feel.
Read MoreWant to know a secret? I thought so.I want to help you boost your metabolism and feel happy. Are you ready to get off your butt and start moving? I believe you can do it.Here’s the catch. I have always been athletic, but I am not a skinny girl. I have been running and playing sports since 4th grade...
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